Partners & Projects

Knox is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. We follow the denomination’s policies and support their ministries and missions both in Canada and around the globe.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada sprang from the Reformation.. As a denomination, we believe the church is called to be reformed and constantly reforming by the Holy Spirit to be the body of Christ in the world.
Knox is accountable to denomination through the Presbytery of London and the Synod of Southwestern Ontario.
To learn more about the Presbyterian Church in Canada, click here:
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian World Service and Development
The Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Camp Kintail
The Presbytery of London
The Synod of Southwestern Ontario
The St. Thomas Elgin Food Bank

Camp Kintail has been a place of opportunity, growth and fun for many years for our children and youth at Knox. It is located about 2 hours away on the shores of Lake Huron, near Goderich
For eighty six years, Camp Kintail has had the wonderful privilege of serving thousands of children, youth and campers of all ages. The ministry of Camp Kintail has touched and changed lives by being faithful to the gospel and introducing children and young people to the rewards and challenges of living in Christian community.
It is our pleasure to celebrate successful summer programs, full camps, energetic campers and dedicated staff. It continues to be our privilege to offer a classic summer camping program providing the opportunity to talk about God in a natural setting, to play hard, to meet lifelong friends, to see a bigger world and to be affirmed in the love of God.
The small group experience at Kintail emphasizes co-operative living, team work and individual excellence. All campers gain a greater understanding and acceptance of diversity and respect for other campers and their local and global community. Young people gain an important sense of belonging to a group in an emotionally secure and safe setting.
Click to learn more: Camp Kintail – A Place to Grow on Lake Huron