New to Knox Church?

Welcome to Knox Presbyterian Church in St. Thomas!
Join us for Sunday morning worship at 10:30am.

Below are some commonly asked questions about our church and service.

Where should I park?

The church has a large parking lot behind the building.  If this lot is full, there is lots of street parking along Hincks and Mitchell Street.  Williams Funeral Home has also been generous to our congregation to permit use of their parking lot during Sunday morning worship.

Which entrance should I use?

Our church building is rich in history and entrances!  While all of the doors are open on Sunday mornings, you may find it most convenient to enter via the Hincks Street entrance closest to Mitchell Street.  This is the entrance closest to the sanctuary, and it remains open throughout the service for latecomers.  Greeters will direct you up the stairs (or to the elevator) to our sanctuary.

Is there a Sunday School and/or nursery?

Yes.  Children are encouraged to be present in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes of worship.   There are several “Young Family Pews” at the back of the sanctuary with books and goodies.  There are also age appropriate worship bags available for children.  After the children’s time, children are invited to go downstairs with our Christian Education staff for Sunday Kool and Nursery.   Angie Anderson, an accredited ECE and mother of four, oversees the nursery.  Meghan Brockington, our Christian Education worker leads and co-ordinates our fun and hands on Sunday Kool for school aged children.  Children may be picked up after worship from their classrooms.  Ushers and greeters are available to direct you to the appropriate age class.

What should I wear?

Some people come to Knox in suits and ties or dresses.  Others come in jeans and running shoes.  You are welcome to come in whatever attire you find comfortable for worship.

How do I get in touch with the minister?  

You may call the church any weekday at 519-631-2414 or email Rev. Mavis Currie at  There are also cards that can be placed on the offering plate which give you the opportunity to make contact with the minister.

What are ways that I could get involved here?

Check out the “All about Knox Booklet” here:  All About Knox Booklet

We hope you will join us soon!