Knox Presbyterian Women

Knox Presbyterian Women (KPW) is an umbrella organization for many different clubs and groups for women in our church:
- Knitters
- Sew it Seams
- the Kitchen Whiches
- Crafters
- Outreach Circle
- Busy Moms
- and more
KPW holds a yearly bazaar in November, and a rummage sale in the Spring, and has an ongoing sale of TruEarth Laundry Strips that both raise funds and help the environment.
KPW raises funds for our Church Kitchen supplies for events like Sunday Coffee breaks, provides youth and women with the opportunity to attend camps and retreats, supports our church library and raises awareness and gives donations to community projects.
In the past KPW have supported: The St. Thomas Tiny Home Project, the St. Thomas Elgin Food Bank, the Women’s Shelter and the Hospice.
To learn more about ways you can plug into one of the women’s groups at Knox or to donate to KPW, contact the church office.