Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Knox Breakfast Club in Rodney Hall. $2 per person or $5 per family for pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice, coffee, tea & more.
Knox Breakfast Club in Rodney Hall. $2 per person or $5 per family for pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice, coffee, tea & more.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner in Rodney Hall. Inflation fighting prices! Tickets available at the door only. Adults/$7, children/$3, pre-school/free, families (2 adults + school age children)/$20. Sponsored by the Knox Men’s Club and Knox Youth. Funds raised will aid in sending kids to Camp Kintail this summer.
Start cleaning out closets and basements! Donations will be accepted Thursday March 20th, 1-8 and Friday March 21st, 9-4. If you would like to volunteer please contact Joy Wendling. Donations will be accepted Thursday March 20th, 1-8 and Friday March 21st, 9-4. If you have any questions, please call Pam O’Sullivan.